Friday, 30 October 2015

Book - "Goddess Awakened" by Cate Masters

Are you looking for a Halloween romance read? 

Here’s a book featuring a reluctant white-witching heroine, a hero with a supernatural problem and some demons on the loose.

There were many story elements in “Goddess Awakened”, the first book from the Goddess Connection series that charmed me,

An older heroine after a fresh start in life,
renovation of an old Victorian age house, (I’m an admirer of period architecture)
some cooking,
eccentric female relatives and female friendships,
a lovable dog,
 a hapless hero having a rough time with the dark side.
Lavender, ley lines and earth energy, faery lights,
and a paranormal climax.

The Blurb from Amazon

With a little help from a goddess, battling evil is a piece of cake for Jocelyn Gibson.

A descendant of the goddess Isis, Jocelyn Gibson may have forgotten about the realm of magic, but it hasn't forgotten her. When Eric Hendricks is targeted by a demon, Joss must step in to battle the evil and save the town's awkward, but endearing, vet. . .who also happens to be the man she loves.

Joss's new inn, a culinary career specializing in cooking with lavender and a new love all make for a fine recipe of disaster. She needs to embrace her inner goddess and harness the powers she never knew she had before it's too late.

The Book Trailer

The Kindle book price is currently just under $3 US. 
Here’s the book link Amazon

Happy Halloween Reading

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Paranormal Ghost House - Haunted Open House

The movie, Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension is in Cinemas now.

What a group of prospective home buyers didn’t know was that they were inspecting the house where the horror film was set.

The people were pranked and got very scared from the house’s special paranormal effects.

Here’s the video;

To read more about the poor, unsuspecting house buyers, here’s the link to an article on link

need the running shoes on for this house, 

Friday, 23 October 2015

Paris Bone Crypt

Beneath the city of Paris, there are two-kilometer long tunnels which are called the catacombs. The walls are lined with millions of human bones and skulls.

For reasons of public health, the human remains were transported from Parisian cemeteries to the catacombs at the end of the 18th century.

This coming Halloween night, thanks to Airbnb’s rental offer, you can stay overnight in the Paris bone crypt.

Bring a friend, 
have dinner,
and a private concert.

Listen to scary story-telling.
Share dawn with the dead. 
Breakfast to follow.

Beware - No one has ever woken up here alive.

Want to find out more? Here’s the link,  Paris Bone Crypt

♥ Ashlyn

More Posts from the Paris Bone Crypt

No. 2

Let's go down to the crypts...

Beneath the streets of Paris there are hundreds of miles of tunnels and chambers carved into the bedrock. In the southern area of Paris, the Romans dug down to quarry limestone blocks to use as building material...

No. 3

The Gates of Hell – Barrière d’Enfer
Don’t do this!
In October 2016, Alison Teal went down to the forbidden parts of the catacombs.
The oxygen was thin.
She followed secret passageways.
Crawled on all fours over skeletons,

to be the first person to surf the Paris Crypts...

No. 4

In June 2017, two teenagers became lost in the Paris Bone Crypts. It was three days before rescue dogs found them. They were taken to hospital and treated for hypothermia caused by the cold, damp conditions inside the catacombs...
 Paris Bone Crypt 4 - Two Lost Teenagers

No. 5

To Catch A Thief!
In August 2017, the catacombs located beneath the city of Paris were used as a means to break into a vault stocked with a collection of vintage wines. Using the underground tunnels, thieves drilled a hole through the limestone rock and into the wall of a basement wine cellar...
Paris Bone Crypts 5 - Wine Thieves

Strange & Spooky Things 


October is Halloween month and the time that I like to blog about strange and spooky things. This year, I will be revisiting the Paris Crypts to write several posts about the place of the long dead that's located beneath the city of Paris. Since my last catacomb article in 2016, people have made the news for surfing the tunnels, an act of stealing and getting lost. Macabrely fascinating....2017 October Highlights - Strange & Spooky Things


Why do people like spooky stuff? 

Macabre, creepy things like graveyards. Listening to and telling stories about ghosts. Investigating haunted houses. Is the Zombie Apocalypse coming soon?


With Halloween coming at the end of October, I thought I would spend the month blogging about strange and spooky entertainment.
I’m going to write mainly about books and movies, some new, some old, and some that haven’t lost their weird appeal over the years...
2015 October Highlights - Strange and Spooky Things

Spooky Book

Welcome back to spooky, 19th Century England.

‘Twas in the Victorian age that all manner of ghastly and ghostly things were happened upon by the innocent and the curious...
Book - "Century of Supernatural Stories" by Richard Sugg

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

First published in 1813, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is one of the most popular novels of all times. 
Keeping with the Halloween theme for the month, I thought I’d share two examples of spooky and strange Jane Austen inspired entertainment...
Re-imagining Jane Austen

French History & Egyptian Mysteries

I’m excited to be blogging about my first non-fiction short book. 

The inspiration to write it started here at my blogger site. Back in November 2016, I wrote about Napoleon’s Nightmare & The Great Pyramid, and for a time, it was a popular post...
Book - "Napoleons Nightmare & The Great Pyramid" by Ashlyn Brady

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Re-imagining Jane Austen

First published in 1813, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is one of the most popular novels of all times. 

The enormous popularity of the book and author has led to numerous adaptions and creative re-imaginings in recent years.

Keeping with the Halloween theme for the month, I thought I’d share two examples of spooky and strange Jane Austen inspired entertainment.

First Up – the Spooky

Movie – “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies”

Horror of all horrors, Jane Austen’s classic story “Pride and Prejudice” has been re-imagined with violent Zombie mayhem. 

The best-selling, mashup horror novel was published in 2009 and the movie is due for release in 2016.

Seth Grahame-Smith from writes,

"Elizabeth and Darcy frequently engage in combat, both verbal and physical, with each other as well as with the zombies, only to discover that they are equally matched. Elizabeth is not just Darcy's intellectual equal, but his equal in combat."

"Set in 19th-century era, the movie tells the story of a woman trying to survive in polite society amidst the attack from the undead."

Here’s the first movie trailer.

Secondly – the Strange

Video – “Jane Austen's Fight Club”

From Tom Chivers at,

"The spoof film trailer, Jane Austen's Fight Club, went viral (in 2010), gaining nearly 200,000 hits on YouTube in just two days.

The video shows Lizzie Bennett and other Austen characters - including Emma and the Dashwoods - setting up an underground boxing club, in manner of the cult David Fincher film Fight Club."

The video was made by Austen-fans, Emily Janice Card, Keith Paugh and Jeff Dickson.

Here’s the faux movie trailer.

In 1810 and 2012, “We were no longer ‘good society’.”


Friday, 16 October 2015

Book – “A Century of Supernatural Stories” by Richard Sugg

Victorian Lady with Ostrich Feathers on her hat

Welcome back to spooky, 19th Century England.

‘Twas in the Victorian age that all manner of ghastly and ghostly things were happened upon by the innocent and the curious.

The Industrial Revolution in England (1790 to 1870) brought many economic and social upheavals to society. Where people lived and worked changed as a large migration took place from rural areas to the London factories for better wages and ?less working hours.

This era was also the age of Victorian Occultism.
Numerous Supernatural themes were explored, such as;

Magic was rediscovered.
The era saw the rise of secret societies and their secret rituals.
Spiritualist movements came into being.
People participated in mediumship and séances. Spirits made their presence felt by table rapping.
The mysticism of Egypt came to England. 
Post-mortem photography was popular--the deceased were photographed in life-like poses.

Smog from coal fires, 
shadows in the alleyways, 
and swirling mists over the streets of London
…hid the terror of Jack the Ripper.

Superstitions were rife and people could literally die from fear. 

English Author and Academic, Richard Sugg has written a book about supernatural stories from this era of history. The stories come from various newspapers sources and Richard provides commentary about the events.

If you’re interested in Poltergeists, Ghosts, Vampires, Fairies, Witches, Unnatural Animals, Magic, Corpse Magic, Apparitions, The Evil Eye, Religion, The Unexplained and the Uncategorisable, this book might have appeal.

Here’s the blurb from…

“Dare you enter the Labyrinth of Fear?

A man cutting his own mother as a witch; parents murdering their children as fairy changelings; villagers staking the living as vampires… Ghosts in towns, on farms, on ships; poltergeists that baffle all investigators; spectral cats, owls, dogs and sheep; a man shot dead as a ghost; an apparition which the witness falls right through; magical candles made from human fat and human hands…

Not that long ago, the world was haunted: by superstitions, imaginary terrors, and even seemingly crude hoaxes which might cause their victims to quite literally die of fear. Strange as all this is, one thing is even stranger. Some of it was probably true. Given in the original voices of nineteenth century newspaper accounts, this Century of Supernatural Stories offers us a shadowy labyrinth of terrors real and imagined. Drawing on years of research into the supernatural, Richard Sugg offers to guide readers through this Labyrinth of Fear. But be warned: those who make it through may find that the world never looks quite the same again.

Amazon book link

Is the truth from the 19th Century stories scarier than fiction? 