Hello Friends,
This week I’m returning to vintage themes with a link
about home sewn beachwear.
During the Industrial Revolution of the 19th Century, ready-made clothes start appearing on the racks of department stores. However, working class women continued making clothes for their families, because it was a cheaper than buying them.
Fast forward to the 1960’s, 1970’s & 1980’s, and
more paper, dress-making patterns were available for home sewing. Timeline.com
has posted a collection of vintage bikini designs, which are fun and stylish.
Vintage women didn’t just sew their own bikinis for
the trip to the beach, they also made cover-ups like shirts, pants, skirts,
dresses and coats. It was do it yourself fashion with couture designs for the
middle class.
Follow the link to see the bathing suit designs from the
vintage years.
Enjoy your weekend,
♥ Ashlyn
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
More Vintage Portraits
Some vintage photographs are beautiful with their soft colors and fashions of the day. But it’s not always possible to find out information about the people who posed for the studio portraits. The images remain a mystery from another age. This week I’m featuring the lovely, vintage photographs of Madame Scavizzi...