Friday, 29 April 2022


Hello Friends,

During the Easter holidays, I felt the need to turn off from the world and recharge my batteries. I went for a drive through the bush (what Australians call a forest or woodland) and had a picnic lunch with family.

Being out in nature is sunny and peaceful. The chatter of birds was all around us. The time in the woodland slowed down my busy thoughts and had a calming effect.

We talked to some people who were towing a caravan to spent their holiday in nature. We stopped at an old stone-built hotel that had been burnt out by fire. I walked around the security fencing seeing the brick fireplace and chimney were still intact. The roof had collapsed in the fire. The walls were still standing and made of honey brown stone blocks. Timber poles were braced against the walls to help support them.

I remember visiting the hotel once before the fire. Hanging on the walls around the fireplace were items from the small village’s history. They were lost to the fire. The village had always struggled to survive due to a lack of water. The hotel had been a general store, a meeting place, as well as a pub selling alcohol and cooked meals.

It seemed that after the fire, people had left the village to live somewhere else. There was a deserted atmosphere and while I drove around the two tiny streets, they didn’t look like streets and had become dirt tracks returning to nature's care.

I wondered what future waited for the historic hotel. Would it ever be rebuilt and bring the small village alive again? The tarpaulin stretched across the roof in a back section of the building and the timber props against the walls suggested that someone still cared about the burnt-out shell of the hotel.

I reflected on the struggles of this place laid bare before my eyes and then my own. The world seems to be changing quickly. Everyday. Change is now more normal than not. On reflection, the seemingly constant life of my parents and grandparents was change happening at a slower pace than now.

As we hurtle toward a technological future, life doesn’t stop. Remnants of the past like the old roofless hotel can be rebuilt in new ways for new purposes and new life. We can let go of the past too. Change and grow into a new version of ourselves. It could be exciting!

Take care,
stay well,
♥ Ashlyn


Photo Credit: Farshid Zabbahi on

Friday, 22 April 2022

Movie - "The Lost City"


Hello Friends,

During the Easter holidays, I watched the movie, The Lost City, at the cinema and enjoyed it.

The Lost City is a fun treasure hunt through the jungle. So many words can be used to describe this movie, including silly in a good way.

Loretta, the romance author, played by actress, Sandra Bullock, and Alan, her romance book cover model, played by actor, Channing Tatum, are two unlikely adventure companions. They have their moments of friction, and at one point in the story, it seems they will go their separate ways in the jungle. But they really need each other, and to stay together to outsmart the bad guys.

I am a Sandra Bullock fan, and she has some madcap moments in this movie which were fun. Channing Tatum doing physical comedy with her was a special treat! I did laugh out loud in a couple of places. One action scene gave me a fright. I jumped in my seat and grabbed hold of my companion’s leg.

When Loretta and Alan finally find the treasure (there’s a twist in the plot), the bad guys imprison them and leave them to die. Woo-hoo, Alan and Loretta make a dramatic escape and have their happy for now ending.

The movie has a group of scene-stealing actors who can be goofy, but can’t hide that they are enjoying themselves.

The Lost City is a movie to entertain, light-hearted, and laughing at itself, but satisfying. I hope you can watch it sometime.

Watch a video from behind the scenes, with bloopers and funny moments.

Take care,
stay well,
♥ Ashlyn

 Photo Credit: Andrei Slobtsov on

Friday, 15 April 2022

Happy Easter

Hello Friends,
Best wishes to you this Easter time.
May you have beams of sunshine, sweet peace, renewed hope, lots of love and joy.

You’re somebunny special who makes the heart hop!


Take care,
stay well,
♥ Ashlyn


Photo Credit: Taisiia Stupak on

Friday, 8 April 2022

TV Regency Delights – ahh Bridgerton!


Hello Friends,

‘Tis time for some Bridgerton-inspired TV talk.

You may have noticed opinion articles about Bridgerton Season 2 springing up in the internet fields like pastel-colored poppies. Well, one article I really enjoyed reading was about Queen Charlotte’s flamboyant wigs, which was written by Julia Glassman over at The Marysue website.

More exquisitely fashionable than a hat, the Queen’s wigs are impressively styled and expressively worn like personalities on her head. Each of the 13 wigs featured in the article are given a name and a number. For example, number 12 is called, ‘The Lucille Ball’ (after a popular American actress and comedian) and looks like a gathering of red-headed poodles on top of her head.

It’s hard to pick a favourite wig, such is the talent of the creators and the impeccable poise and flair of Queen Charlotte. I like all of them, but 2 others that caught my eye were;

9. Rubies and Curls, is a pale pinkish wig that's pretty with curls and ruby jewelry.

10. Tribute to Aphrodite, is a purple dazzler with pearls and an ‘Under the Sea’ vibe.

You can read the article here; Queen Charlotte's Wigs in 'Bridgerton' Season 2, Ranked | The Mary Sue

It’s a lot of fun and whimsy with bling, feathers, flowers, and bows.

Ahh Bridgerton brings pleasure to the everyday!

Take care,
stay well,
♥ Ashlyn


Photo Credit: Z Graphica on

Friday, 1 April 2022

A Little More Romance


Hello Friends,

As I scan the internet news there’s very little to read that’s positive or life affirming. And then an article about romance author, Julia Quinn and Bridgerton popped up in my news feed. Yay! I couldn’t wait to read about how we could all use a little more romance, love, connection, and happiness in our entertainment.

Julia Quinn says;

“The journey toward happiness and love is just as important as a hero’s quest.”

In the human quest of living, we all want a happy ending. We can read romance books for pure joy. Romance and love are universal, and women have been writing these books for decades.

Read all about it over at Netflix, Bridgerton Author Julia Quinn Says We Could All Use a Little More Romance


Take care,
stay well,
♥ Ashlyn

 Photo Credit: Miguel Gonzalez on