Friday 17 June 2016

Chilling Out

I wish I could chill out but it seems I can only write about the idea. I’m running on the treadmill of a busy life and can’t stop.
Were we born to live a harried life?
Squeeze in as many chores and jobs as possible during the waking hours.
If I don’t keep running what will happen? Will some part of my life fall apart and there’ll be consequences? Shudder!

I’ve learnt a thing or two about the beast called ‘stress’ during my years of sprinting and running marathons on the hamster wheel.

The body is not just a machine ruled by the clock.
It’s an organic, hunk of flesh and bones made from the minerals and waters of the earth. The body is designed for trekking over the land, doing work to ensure survival, and for pleasure and play. Feeling good is important to the body, it lifts the spirit, de-stresses the mind, vitalizes the immune system, lowers blood pressure, helps balance hormones, and eases the overload of adrenalin charging through the veins.

Pleasure from creature comforts is a primal way to feel good. Towards the bottom of the brain stem, we still have an ancient, primitive clump of grey matter. Australian romance writer, Nikki Logan, calls this part of the brain, the‘lizard brain’. In the very least, the lizard brain is the caretaker of our physical survival. The signal center where danger and threats are registered, and where the ‘flight or fight’ response is triggered. Nikki has written a book about the chemistry of reading and our reptilian selves. She gives clues on how to produce books that engage and excite readers. If you'd like to find out more, here's the link to Nikki's site,

So this old lizard brain part of ourselves is still on duty, checking that we are keeping the body safe, have clothes and shelter from the weather, getting enough sleep, drinking clean water and eating fresh food. Satisfying the primal self leads to a sense of well-being, and then we can engage in the more sophisticated parts of our lives.

This week on Google +, I’ll be featuring articles about chilling out, creature comforts and feeling good. I hope you can join me again.

Have a good week-end.

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