Friday 17 March 2017

Alien Hieroglyphs in Ancient Egypt

Hello Friends,

This week I’m writing about the alien connection with ancient Egypt. Are there any records of alien visitations in Egypt’s ancient past?  No, maybe… I found a short video which shows some examples of “ET” styled art in Egyptian wall carvings.

The idea that ancient aliens colonized earth and interbred with humans has been investigated by radical thinkers for decades. It’s a controversial area of research, and Erich von Daniken was a pioneering author who shook up conventional thinking about human history when he first published his book, “Chariots of the Gods” in 1968.

Erich proposed that ancient astronauts gave ancient peoples of the world technologies and were welcomed as gods. His ideas were rejected by many scholars. He was accused of plagiarism. Some of his evidence was said to be faulty or pseudo scientific. Forty nine years later, “Chariots of the Gods” is still for sale on Amazon.

Despite what scholars and government say or don’t say, people believe what they want to believe about UFO’s, ET’s—extra-terrestrials and Ancient Aliens. Next up, I’m going to take a closer look at one of the controversial alien spacecraft images that was shown in the video above.


Did space gods come down to earth and leave a message on the walls of a temple at Abydos. Let’s armchair travel to Abydos, which is located about 540 km south of Cairo and find out more.

Abydos is a very old city which dates back before the reign of the pharaohs (pre-dynastic Egypt), perhaps to the late prehistoric age. Much of the original site is now buried under modern buildings.

Abydos was a sacred center and place of pilgrimage. It hosts a royal necropolis (tombs) and is also a major cemetery. As time passed, Abydos became an important place to venerate the goddesses and gods.


Pharaoh Seti 1 makes offerings to the god Osiris seated on the throne. Goddess Isis stands behind Osiris. 
Osiris was the god of the after-life—the dead, resurrection and regeneration. The body of Osirius was believed to be buried at Abydos. The ruins of the Osirion, the monolithic blocks of stone and their symbolic, primeval waters of creation can still be seen today.

The helicopter hieroglyph is located in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos which was built by Pharaoh Seti 1 sometime between 1290-1279 BC. The carved images of the Helicopter Hieroglyph are found on a lintel stone which is positioned across the top of two large columns that butt up against the ceiling of the temple. It’s a high-up place.


The helicopter hieroglyph is enclosed within a cartouche, and is a segment of a larger pharaonic cartouche that was carved for Seti 1 and his son, the famous Rameses 11 (more about him later).

A cartouche has a frame or a rope which is a magical border used to enclose a name, such as the pharaoh’s name. The magic protected the name inside the border. 


Akhenaten was a short-lived, heretic king who re-instated the worship of one god – ATEN. The sun god took the place of Egypt’s old religion of many goddess and gods. After the death of Akhenaten, he was erased from Egypt’s history and wasn’t rediscovered until the 19th Century.

The upheaval caused by Akhenaten, was followed by the short reign of Tutankamun, the boy king, and Seti 1 sought to return prosperity to Egypt. He led military campaigns and formed peace treaties in the Middle East. * He opened mines and quarries, dug wells and rebuilt temples. (source:

Seti 1 built his own temple to Osirius and for several other goddesses and gods at Abydos. The artwork in his temples is fine and beautiful. Three thousand years later, some of the original colours remain on the walls. However, Seti 1 died before work was completed on his temple buildings.

Seti 1’s son, Rameses 11 the great, completed his father’s temple works. Some people believe Rameses 11 carved his own hieroglyph over Seti 1’s cartouche to form the helicopter hieroglyph.

The message in Seti 1’s cartouche was originally carved to mean, "He who repulses the nine enemies of Egypt." The cartouche was plastered over and Rameses 11 message was cut into surface, "He who protects Egypt and overthrows the foreign countries."

The spacecraft images are a result of an overprinting of shapes. A combination of carvings made by father and son. Here’s some pictures to tell the story.


Over time, the two cartouches weathered and eroded to produce this composited picture effect. Now we know how the appearance of the helicopter hieroglyph and the other high-tech machines were created on the pillar stone. Fact-based evidence belongs to literal thinking—the most basic of thoughts in an earth-bound reality.

Beyond the realm of ordinary thinking, could the overlapping images have a mystical message for the modern viewer? Or should we totally disregard the uncanny coincidence of ancient images that resemble a helicopter, submarine, futuristic airplane, a zeppelin, a glider, and a tank?

Enjoy your weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks D.D. for stopping by and commenting. The big universe is much food for thought. Who are we really? How does planet Earth fit in with the rest of the universe? Yes, the possibilities. xx Ashlyn
