Friday 15 January 2016

Hello and Welcome to 2016 on the Blogger.

Have you got some plans or things you would like to achieve in 2016?

Are you starting the year with a blank page or a fresh canvas?

Be free and chase your dreams.

Find your passions and they will lead you to your purpose and onward to ultimate happiness.

What about a healthy mind, body, heart and spirit for the journey?

From a person with tea, coffee and chocolate addictions, bad habits, and who leads a far from a perfect life, I offer you some of my “new year—new you”, make-over, to-do or think-about list. It’s a ridiculously wordy title for a list for a good reason—I probably won’t follow it. 

But I am feeling the urges to connect more with nature, get healthier and happier, and write more stories in 2016.

Here goes my list of aspirations and inspirations for the new year…

Don't let others steal your thoughts or rob your attention from what’s important in your life. Quieten the noise of other people’s thinking that affects you negatively.
There’s the fatigue of an over-active, too busy, over-thinking mind.
Take some time out for silence and solitude. Meditate to put your mind at ease.

Be grounded in the body. It’s a good place to live. It’s full of sensory perceptions from its experiences of the world and people around it, tune in.
Be able to afford or buy healthy food.
Find exercise that works with your body rather than damages it.

A lot of us live among electromagnetic fields generated from electronic devices. Stand-by lights from electronic gadgets can interfere with brain sleep patterns. Turn off those lights in your bedroom before you pull up the blankets.

Release the fears.
Keep an open-heart with people.
Use emotional intelligence as well as the powers of the mind.
Live life and LOVE.

Avoid the toxicity and negativity.
Beware the energy vampires.
Walk, and dance to the rhythm of your soul’s own drum. Take the high road.
Energize with crystals, the ocean, the forest, connect with nature in the ways you need to.
Each of us has unique gifts, live your purpose. Remember, you in all your beautiful imperfections and perfections matter to the people in your life.

Whatever your positive plans for 2016, I wish you every success with them.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Coming Up on the Blogger

I have two romance books to write about in the coming weeks. Then February will be a month of romance posts on the Blogger and Google +. I can’t wait to share some Valentine-themed articles, music, and art from people all over the world.

Google + Collections

During the holiday break, I made some decisions about Collections based on what inspires, gets the creative juices flowing, and ties in with book writing. I also considered the beautiful art and picture posts I can’t resist from other G+ people.

When the Christmas pavlova and cherries were finished, I wrote a couple of introductions and purchased some stock photos to build the Collections. I also watched sections of the documentary, “That Sugar Film” to think about…how much sugar I eat. No more pavlova until next Christmas. Which leaves the chocolate addiction next on the hit list, but I don’t think I have the “won’t” power.

Victorian Age
In late December 2015, I started collecting and posting about the Victorian Age, an era in which I love to write romance stories.

Tango Dance

Towards the end of 2015, I was on fire with Tango dance paintings, photographs and youtube videos. The flames haven’t died down and I’m looking forward to more posts about the lover’s dance. 

Sometimes nostalgia and sentimentalism pulls me out of the techno age and backwards in time. The Vintage Collection satisfies my interest in old things.

Hen Party Book
Is the Collection for posts about the contemporary romance story I’m writing. In 2016, I hope to self-publish some novellas about the girls’ night out that turns into a disaster for the heroine—Kyra, the bride-to-be, and the hero—Mr. J.

I like to read interesting articles from history so I made a collection to keep them together.

Armchair Travel, will be a new collection for 2016. ETA in a couple of month's time.
Have you ever come across something fascinating in the news that almost nudged you out of your seat and onto an airplane to go find out more about it? The Armchair Travel Collection will be my solution for satisfying the curiosity and wanderlust about the big, wide world when you can’t leave your life and jump on that airplane.

I’m both excited and nervous about another year of writing on the Blogger. But as a writer, I need to stretch the muscles and grow.

Hope you can join me again.

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