Friday 26 February 2016

Introducing my Armchair Travel Collection on Google +

Have you ever come across something fascinating in the news that almost nudged you out of your seat and,

into a car,

  or onto a boat, 

to go and buy a ticket for an airplane
 and find out more about it?

Was the news post about something interesting, strange, unusual…mystical, spooky and haunted… weird, or historical?

Of the land, water or maybe sky?

You could be suffering from the travel bug or perhaps you are as curious as a cat but you can’t leave your life and jump into that car, boat or airplane.

Wanderlust (from the,
"is a deep uncontrollable desire to hit the road and travel, by whatever means desired, to explore and enjoy the world."

These days wanderlust can be both physical and digital. With a click of the mouse we can roam all over the world wide web. Exploring, learning, enjoying, gaining new knowledge and experiences. 

My new Google+ Armchair Travel Collection is one way to feed the wanderlust and curiosity about our big world of people, cultures and history.

During the next fortnight, I will be posting some fascinating news stories on G+, and then as time goes by, I will continue to build the collection.  Maybe one day, you or I will visit the places in the world that made the digital news.

From the comfort of your armchair, please join me during this coming week on G+. Let’s digitally travel to beautiful and abandoned places, including a town in the USA, Mayan ruins, a Spanish Village, a hotel in Italy, and Australia’s Stonehenge.

Here’s hoping the techno share links don’t fail for some reason?

Take care,
settle into your favorite chair,
Come over to G+ and say hi in the comments. AshlynBradyauthor/posts
The link for the collection is here, Armchair Travel


Images in this post were sourced from


  1. What a great idea, Ashlyn! I'll be following with interest!

  2. Hello Alli, thanks for dropping by! I am excited about building this quirky, travel collection. I'm glad you have an armchair to follow. You might have visited some of the places already!
