Friday 6 October 2017

2017 October Highlights - Strange & Spooky Things

Hello Friends,

October is Halloween month and the time that I like to blog about strange and spooky things. This year, I will be revisiting the Paris Crypts to write several posts about the place of the long dead that's located beneath the city of Paris. Since my last catacomb article in 2016, people have made the news for surfing the tunnels, an act of stealing and getting lost. Macabrely fascinating.

But first, let’s travel back in history for a brief look at the origins of Halloween. To help get in the mood, here’s a spooky, atmospheric tune called, “Dark Music-The Sealed Kingdom” by Adrian von Ziegler.

Halloween celebrations started with the ancient Celtic people. They lived on the land, farmed, and were close to nature. The Celts followed the earth mother’s wheel of the year.

Halloween was known as Samhain. The celebration occurred during the time of the last harvest at the end of summer. The death of things. A time for the earth mother to rest. She would come to new life in spring. Samhain marked the Celtic new year on the calendar.

Samhain became the festival of the dead. Honoring the dead. The rebirth through death. 

I hope you can join me again.
Enjoy your weekend,

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

MORE Strange & Spooky POSTS

In October 2015, I blogged about the Paris Bone Crypt, and it became a popular post. Why do people like spooky stuff? Macabre, creepy things like graveyards. Listening to and telling stories about ghosts. Investigating haunted houses. Is the Zombie Apocalypse coming soon?...

To those people who celebrate Halloween, the scare fest is coming soon.
What is the scariest movie you’ve ever watched? I don’t mind admitting I’m a big chicken when it comes to watching horror movies...

Over the millennia, Egypt’s enigmatic Great Pyramid of Giza has withstood robbers and earthquakes. In 1798, during the troubled times of the revolution, the French Government sent a young, ambitious general on a military expedition to Egypt. Napoleon Bonaparte’s great curiosity would lead him to the archaic Great Pyramid.

What a group of prospective home buyers didn’t know was that they were inspecting the house where the horror film was set...

Welcome back to spooky, 19th Century England.
‘Twas in the Victorian age that all manner of ghastly and ghostly things were happened upon by the innocent and the curious...

With Halloween coming at the end of October, I thought I would spend the month blogging about strange and spooky entertainment. I’m going to write mainly about books and movies, some new, some old, and some that haven’t lost their weird appeal over the years...

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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