Friday 8 July 2016

Connecting Inner and Outer Nature.

Last week I wrote about the benefits of connecting with nature. This week I’m blogging about the wild woman and man inside of us. I’m not referring to the savage beast with a bad reputation for wreaking havoc on the world. I’m talking about the tribal person within us, the gypsy-like traveler, adventurer, and nature lover.

Within the ancient part of our brains, we still have the instinct to navigate across land and water to find food, make shelter and clothing against the extremes of weather, woo a mate and to live within a community. Although ages of time have passed, we are still pre-occupied with meeting these same basic needs for survival and social engagement.

I think the alignment of our inner natures with the outer world of nature can tap a source of wellness, wholeness, improved health, pleasure, joy and happiness and there are so many more benefits.

How do we connect our inner wilderness with the outer landscape? There are many ways. One way is to take ourselves physically into nature. To the park, the beach, the mountains, the river, whatever natural place appeals to the senses.

Then we need the right state of mind. The gatekeeper is the conscious mind who’s usually busy with self-talk and chatter. The connection to outer nature is not about systems of belief or known facts that the conscious mind can process and decide upon. The connection is about the experience of uniting the inner, wild gypsy with the outer natural world. The experience is about feeling the joining together through an open heart.

taking sustaining breaths,
listening to the sounds,
letting the senses roam,
allowing the experience to unfold.


Take it easy and have a good weekend. 
♥ Ashlyn 

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