Friday 15 July 2016

The Earth Moved Under My Feet

These last few weeks, while I’ve been blogging about nature, another strange synchronicity also happened. On two occasions, the earth literally moved under my feet. I’m talking about small earthquakes and thankfully there was no serious damage to me or property.

The first earthquake I’ll call “shake”. It coincided with the week of my “Connecting with Nature” blog post. The shake quake came late afternoon. After work, I was standing in the kitchen, waiting for the kettle to boil so I could make a cup of tea.

Pop, pop, pop, pop!  I distinctly heard 4 small bursting sounds that came from the ground beneath the house.
BOOM!  There was a loud noise deep under the ground that sounded like an explosion.
SHAKE!  The glass rattled in the window and the walls shook. The floor started to move up and down. 

My heart beat faster. I realized I was standing in the middle of an earthquake. The awareness triggered my senses to high alert. My eyes widened, I stared down at the floor. Would it crack open? I placed my hands down on the kitchen bench, half-trying to hold on and also to steady my balance.

I didn’t move a whisker as I waited for the shock wave to pass. My ears were full of the sounds the house was making. I remained tense for several more minutes in case there was an aftershock to follow. When the silence and stillness returned to the house, I made the cup of tea, and I really appreciated drinking it.

The second earthquake I’ll call “sway”. It coincided with the week of my “Connecting Inner and Outer Nature” blog post. The sway quake came during the day. I was standing outside the side door of my house, taking advantage of a better network connection to check messages on my phone.

There was a faint rumbling noise in the background which I ignored. It could have been a truck driving around the streets with a heavy load. Then the ground beneath my feet started to sway. The movement started gently and built momentum, swaying from side to side with a small upward motion.

I suddenly became aware of the birds (crows and wattle birds) chirping in the trees nearby. As the earth moved beneath my feet, I felt a sense of powerlessness, a loss of control. I became aware there were forces greater than me in action. Very powerful forces! For a few seconds, “my fight or flight” survival instinct triggered. I wanted to get away. But I couldn’t move to stable ground, because there wasn’t any. All of the ground around me was moving. I had to ride out the fear.

I listened more closely to the bird calls. The ancient part of my brain registered that the birds were not communicating calls of distress to one another. Nor were they flying away to escape. They chirped on through the shock waves. Part of me started to calm down and I tuned into the swaying motion beneath my feet. As the vibrations traveled up through my body, I felt like I was standing on a surfboard made of paving bricks and riding a wave of earth energy. It was a more awesome feeling than my earlier fear.

The shake quake came from seismic disturbance deep within the earth while the sway quake was from a shallower depth. Twice in a fortnight, I felt the earth move beneath my feet and the shock waves traveled upward through my body.

MOVE was the earthquake’s message to me. Keeping dancing and don’t be stuck with old baggage that weighs me down. Shake, sway, move on, and move forward. The world is changing, and energy is shifting. Dare to live those dreams.

 So I followed the urge to start a new Google + page about the Sacred Earth. I don’t know where this path is leading me. I’ll write more about the G+ site another time, when I know what the heck I’m doing with it. For now, it’s a WIP.

I probably have a few more earthquake cracks in the walls of the house. (I don’t want to find them, too depressing.) All I can do is patch them up for next time. I’m certain that in the future my house will be on the move again. The same applies to the rest of the Australian continent. We are slowly traveling north-east at the same rate our fingernails grow. Beneath the cover of the oceans, the Australian land mass is fused with India, and together we are being squeezed beneath the Himalayas.

The Western Australian Government plans to make corrections to maps in 2020 to accommodate our new position on the globe, which will be about 1.8 metres away from where we are currently located.

The earth keeps spinning around the sun, and the land keeps moving across the surface of the planet. That’s life in the outback for another week. 

Take care,
♥ Ashlyn 

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